The staff of Methven Funeral Homes cordially invites you to attend POLICE Pizza & Pre Planning Monday, June 10th 6:00 PM Mille Lacs Funeral & Cremation 460 E Main Street, Isle 320.676.3300 Tuesday, June 11th 11:30 AM & 6:00 PM Dresser-Methven Funeral & Cremation 124 Maple Avenue East, Mora 320.676.3300 Wednesday, June 12th 11:30 AM & 6:00 PM Methven Funeral & Cremation 114 Fifth Street, Sandstone 320.245.2376 Free Community Seminar for Area Residents Relax with your neighbors, enjoy free pizza, and experience a 90-minute program by a panel of experts exploring legal documents, nursing home spenddown, asset protection, funeral planning, as well as Local Law Enforcement will explain how we can protect ourselves against a rising threat in our society... Identify Theft and Senior Fraud. Pick a date and call to reserve your seat today! methven FUNERAL & CREMATION SERVICES Troy Janssen, Pre-Planning Consultant Ryan Christianson, Funeral Director/Owner Nathan Froehling, Funeral Director/Owner John Cabak Attorney at Law The staff of Methven Funeral Homes cordially invites you to attend POLICE Pizza & Pre Planning Monday , June 10th 6:00 PM Mille Lacs Funeral & Cremation 460 E Main Street , Isle 320.676.3300 Tuesday , June 11th 11:30 AM & 6:00 PM Dresser - Methven Funeral & Cremation 124 Maple Avenue East , Mora 320.676.3300 Wednesday , June 12th 11:30 AM & 6:00 PM Methven Funeral & Cremation 114 Fifth Street , Sandstone 320.245.2376 Free Community Seminar for Area Residents Relax with your neighbors , enjoy free pizza , and experience a 90 - minute program by a panel of experts exploring legal documents , nursing home spenddown , asset protection , funeral planning , as well as Local Law Enforcement will explain how we can protect ourselves against a rising threat in our society ... Identify Theft and Senior Fraud . Pick a date and call to reserve your seat today ! methven FUNERAL & CREMATION SERVICES Troy Janssen , Pre - Planning Consultant Ryan Christianson , Funeral Director / Owner Nathan Froehling , Funeral Director / Owner John Cabak Attorney at Law