DEA NATIONAL TAKEBACK Drug Take Back Day! Drop off any unused, unwanted, or expired medication. Saturday, April 22 Kanabec County Jail Parking Lot | 100 South Vine | Mora 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Drive thru and drop off! We Accept Prescription Medications Over-the-Counter Medications Prescription Patches Vitamins Pet Medications Ry TAKE 2 CAPS ONCE DALY 14TME We do not accept Needles - Inhalers - Thermometers - Aerosol Cans - Lotions - Liquids Better Together Too often, unused prescription drugs find their way into the wrong hands. This is an opportunity to clean out your medicine cabinet and dispose of them - safely, anonymously and without harming the environment. Sponsored by: N Public Health Rau Rauty sang khonh EK DEA NATIONAL TAKEBACK Drug Take Back Day ! Drop off any unused , unwanted , or expired medication . Saturday , April 22 Kanabec County Jail Parking Lot | 100 South Vine | Mora 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Drive thru and drop off ! We Accept Prescription Medications Over - the - Counter Medications Prescription Patches Vitamins Pet Medications Ry TAKE 2 CAPS ONCE DALY 14TME We do not accept Needles - Inhalers - Thermometers - Aerosol Cans - Lotions - Liquids Better Together Too often , unused prescription drugs find their way into the wrong hands . This is an opportunity to clean out your medicine cabinet and dispose of them - safely , anonymously and without harming the environment . Sponsored by : N Public Health Rau Rauty sang khonh EK