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Timber Trails Public Transit is a department of Kanabec County. We provide transportation to Kanabec County residents through three distinct programs: Public Transit Bus Service, Access Medical Transportation through our Common Carrier Program. Each of these programs has their own funding sources and their own service guidelines. Having one agency providing all of these types of services makes it much easier for county residents to get their transportation needs met. Public Transit Service in Greater Minnesota is just a little different than the service you see in larger cities. Our buses are not as large and our service doesn’t always run along a fixed route. Timber Trails provides curb-to-curb service using life equipped buses running on deviated routes. Just like metro service, people of every age ride our buses for all sorts of reasons. We take people shopping, visiting, to see doctors and get health care; to bible studies and to restaurants for dinner. Little ones ride the buses to pre-school and back to daycare. Moms & Dads take their kids to the library and the museums. Lots of people ride the bus to work. It’s truly a service for everyone.