Golf Course is OPEN Friday, May 6 & Friday, June 10 - Prime Rib Saturday, June 4 - 2022 Mustang Wrestling Golf & Rib Fundraiser Meat Raffle EVERY WEDNESDAY starting at 5:30 beginning May 11 Pilot Games Etabs Sparing/A The meat raffle, pulltab and Etab proceeds go to Mora Traveling Baseball and Mora Wrestling Brook 320-679-2317 Mora, MN One mile East on Hwy 23, South on Mahogany. Follow Signs.f Golf Course Open to the Public Golf Course is OPEN Friday , May 6 & Friday , June 10 - Prime Rib Saturday , June 4 - 2022 Mustang Wrestling Golf & Rib Fundraiser Meat Raffle EVERY WEDNESDAY starting at 5:30 beginning May 11 Pilot Games Etabs Sparing / A The meat raffle , pulltab and Etab proceeds go to Mora Traveling Baseball and Mora Wrestling Brook 320-679-2317 Mora , MN One mile East on Hwy 23 , South on Mahogany . Follow Signs.f Golf Course Open to the Public