Whirlpool Skip steps on laundry day LOAD & GO Add detergent once and skip refills for 20 loads' with the Load & Go" dispenser on select Whirlpool® washers. "Based on an 8-b load oo WNipool. A rigitaed. hdin e BA D01oox Whirlpool Family Owned In Downtown Mora Since 1985. Quality Products Great Service Low Prices! Rick's Appliance & Home Furnishings 117 S. UNION MORA, MN 320-679-1871 wwW.RICKSHOMEAPPLIANCE.COM Whirlpool Skip steps on laundry day LOAD & GO Add detergent once and skip refills for 20 loads' with the Load & Go" dispenser on select Whirlpool® washers. "Based on an 8-b load oo WNipool. A rigitaed. hdin e BA D01oox Whirlpool Family Owned In Downtown Mora Since 1985. Quality Products Great Service Low Prices! Rick's Appliance & Home Furnishings 117 S. UNION MORA, MN 320-679-1871 wwW.RICKSHOMEAPPLIANCE.COM