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    November 8, 2024
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MINNESOTA MDHA DEER HUNTERS ASSOCIATION SNAKE RIVER CHAPTER MDHA Hides for Habitat Keep our Hunting Tradition Strong When prepping your hide for drop off: Please include the tail Remove the head and legs HIDES FOR HABITATM DROP STATION MINNESOTA HUNTING HABITAT EDUCATION LEGISLATION HUNTERS ASSOCIAT For more information, call 1-800-450-DEER Please donate your deer hides to the Snake River Chapter MDHA. Donating your deer hide to the Hides for Habitat program makes a difference! Money we raise stays local, we use it for habitat projects and youth education. Keep the tradition and help our habitat be the best it can be for future generations of hunters. Snake River Chapter Hide Box Locations: Mora Area: Jerry's Bait, Glen's Tire, Crow's Nest, Northwoods, Federated Co-op, Almost Yours Gun N' Pawn, MDHA Shack Ogilvie Area: McBee's, Federated Co-op, Casey's, Tower Bar, B-P, Thomas Sno Sports Isle Area: Boone's Fine Guns Milaca/Pease: Prince Gun Shop, Byker's Garage McGrath: Amoco MINNESOTA MDHA DEER HUNTERS ASSOCIATION SNAKE RIVER CHAPTER MDHA Hides for Habitat Keep our Hunting Tradition Strong When prepping your hide for drop off : Please include the tail Remove the head and legs HIDES FOR HABITAT M DROP STATION MINNESOTA HUNTING HABITAT EDUCATION LEGISLATION HUNTERS ASSOCIAT For more information , call 1-800-450 - DEER Please donate your deer hides to the Snake River Chapter MDHA . Donating your deer hide to the Hides for Habitat program makes a difference ! Money we raise stays local , we use it for habitat projects and youth education . Keep the tradition and help our habitat be the best it can be for future generations of hunters . Snake River Chapter Hide Box Locations : Mora Area : Jerry's Bait , Glen's Tire , Crow's Nest , Northwoods , Federated Co - op , Almost Yours Gun N ' Pawn , MDHA Shack Ogilvie Area : McBee's , Federated Co - op , Casey's , Tower Bar , B - P , Thomas Sno Sports Isle Area : Boone's Fine Guns Milaca / Pease : Prince Gun Shop , Byker's Garage McGrath : Amoco