Recycle Your Aluminum Cans for Recycla Your RiMa CASH! CLEAN UP THE SCRAP METAL PAYING TOP $$ We can drop off Roll Offs 30 yd Dumpsters for complete.. HELP WANTED Cars Vans REGULAR HOURS: MON - FRI, 8am - 4:30 pm (Closed 12-12:30 for lunch) Full Time Apply in person Trucks SUVs CALL NOW WE'LL PICK UP YOUR SCRAP VEHICLES AT NO CHARGE 2 miles north of Mora on Hwy. 65 CALL FOR PRICING 2208 Highway 65, Mora JNIS Recycling s0-92 908 9 320-282-6903 Recycle Your Aluminum Cans for Recycla Your RiMa CASH! CLEAN UP THE SCRAP METAL PAYING TOP $$ We can drop off Roll Offs 30 yd Dumpsters for complete.. HELP WANTED Cars Vans REGULAR HOURS: MON - FRI, 8am - 4:30 pm (Closed 12-12:30 for lunch) Full Time Apply in person Trucks SUVs CALL NOW WE'LL PICK UP YOUR SCRAP VEHICLES AT NO CHARGE 2 miles north of Mora on Hwy. 65 CALL FOR PRICING 2208 Highway 65, Mora JNIS Recycling s0-92 908 9 320-282-6903