In-Person and Drop Off Appointments Available Today! H&R BLOCK Getting your refund is more important than ever. We're here to help with all your personal and business tax preparation needs. We have safe and convenient drop off and appointment options available now; including In-Person appointments, right here in Mora. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Call today for more details! 820 Howe Ave | Mora, MN | (320) 679-3997 In-Person and Drop Off Appointments Available Today! H&R BLOCK Getting your refund is more important than ever. We're here to help with all your personal and business tax preparation needs. We have safe and convenient drop off and appointment options available now; including In-Person appointments, right here in Mora. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Call today for more details! 820 Howe Ave | Mora, MN | (320) 679-3997