PIE& ICE CREAM SUNDAE SOCIAL Sun., Aug. 18, 2019 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. The women of Grace Lutheran Church sponsor this event. The proceeds will be used by WELCA for camperships and other leaming Grace Lutheran Church 301 E. Forest Ave., Mora, MN 55051 320-679-1062 Come and enjoy "all kinds" of homemade pie with family and friends! Freewill Offering ministries. To make this event a success we would like your help! PIE& ICE CREAM SUNDAE SOCIAL Sun., Aug. 18, 2019 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. The women of Grace Lutheran Church sponsor this event. The proceeds will be used by WELCA for camperships and other leaming Grace Lutheran Church 301 E. Forest Ave., Mora, MN 55051 320-679-1062 Come and enjoy "all kinds" of homemade pie with family and friends! Freewill Offering ministries. To make this event a success we would like your help!