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    May 19, 2022
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ollars f ars Back Home Schedays Dollars for lar MC M www Mat Ca PC Dollars for Scholars Mers yar d cho A M M Doll ho M F DVIS Mandy rok Ge d MB Panday Schody D Kend und Mora Ca MyC ars Tayan ar C D O beeste Carbon Memorial Scholar and C D Dollar: Shola J olla PS Mo Mora Dollars for Scholars Daller fore 2022 Scholarship Recipients Thank you for your support of Mora Dollars for Scholard gs to the Mors High School G C of 2022 ht 3rd Mora Dolors for Scholars scholange this year. Among these scholarshou ynd are your Each $1.400 Thugh the genety of our community enters, we we The M OprofDfScholars has been 1980 the pet 33 years Mora Dollars for Scholarsh Scho ding scholast arded 1167 w op and gety of Mod of higher educ Dear Scars to get and Mor Students who move these scholarshes are selected based on a contination of an actors their grade pontage sandelences experience community and school moment, and for your donation and comedor Corrbuone may be made at any time and are to deductible Donations may be maled to More Dolars for Scholar Box 422. MMN 5051 DURIME THANK YOU! To all of our wonderful donors Indicates donations of 5100 or mo shola W Septe L T and C JP Sand Cay P Day O K pendek Dave Woods You and Mean "J Yoy and Ro Mahendran and di T VA Sche Dydd Cand DA andy KN Scho LL and La CL and Ma Hand Wyw Gyd "Ok T Day Le D M Jy G and T Matt G Bong and Mc Bery and Giger Mad and D Den ny M Jan Kay and L J lars for olg Mand Tid Mal Cand Byty T M M "S Le Schul S J LA MF D MyS The W S lars for old and M GSM Kay M Lary S Mak and DS My S d and Mo May Yuk Anand Garf Mental Center M M L d and C and M and S ollars f hors. and Clay The way Landm Schlang MDS Te K ALL W De and Gaye D s for and May Ky FO M D mand and r cholarsbiga Ni Nondom d ils fe Dollars Solar rs. DTMk Food and Agrel Sch Your Mora Dollars f lars Dollar Sple cholar and S MDS P Non pechared (mcigienst ama MF D plan Croy Collars Dollars Schar Mora Did The Flanders Family Scholardig Chuck and T D And Mandy ay dong Mara Mike M Delhi Adem D and m Y T M T Wagen Hudy P Mar and BJ M heca ve V J Clyd "Our and Jan Fad Band Jay Ka Jod Kaye C Linda Ky Tayo S Mock, 5 Vice Pred And PM MP 1pm Palac M L LUCK V Mand f S T www TGM M S S T M MOS Y M d 3 Ny V Ovan CV My Val W and Sh Schol p Dollars Sabla Dorst 1900 15 Schuberdi SMK Mora Moca Sollars fo Dollars t ch rs. ars LT 3 Mars f golars M Add Mille Memorial Scholan Rich M llars fo hears. Dollars for Sold Andy S Mladen d Dollars for chourss Cl Chy Ch als and Ha ollars f ars Back Home Schedays Dollars for lar MC M www Mat Ca PC Dollars for Scholars Mers yar d cho A M M Doll ho M F DVIS Mandy rok Ge d MB Panday Schody D Kend und Mora Ca MyC ars Tayan ar C D O beeste Carbon Memorial Scholar and C D Dollar : Shola J olla PS Mo Mora Dollars for Scholars Daller fore 2022 Scholarship Recipients Thank you for your support of Mora Dollars for Scholard gs to the Mors High School G C of 2022 ht 3rd Mora Dolors for Scholars scholange this year . Among these scholarshou ynd are your Each $ 1.400 Thugh the genety of our community enters , we we The M OprofDfScholars has been 1980 the pet 33 years Mora Dollars for Scholarsh Scho ding scholast arded 1167 w op and gety of Mod of higher educ Dear Scars to get and Mor Students who move these scholarshes are selected based on a contination of an actors their grade pontage sandelences experience community and school moment , and for your donation and comedor Corrbuone may be made at any time and are to deductible Donations may be maled to More Dolars for Scholar Box 422. MMN 5051 DURIME THANK YOU ! To all of our wonderful donors Indicates donations of 5100 or mo shola W Septe L T and C JP Sand Cay P Day O K pendek Dave Woods You and Mean " J Yoy and Ro Mahendran and di T VA Sche Dydd Cand DA andy KN Scho LL and La CL and Ma Hand Wyw Gyd " Ok T Day Le D M Jy G and T Matt G Bong and Mc Bery and Giger Mad and D Den ny M Jan Kay and L J lars for olg Mand Tid Mal Cand Byty T M M " S Le Schul S J LA MF D MyS The W S lars for old and M GSM Kay M Lary S Mak and DS My S d and Mo May Yuk Anand Garf Mental Center M M L d and C and M and S ollars f hors . and Clay The way Landm Schlang MDS Te K ALL W De and Gaye D s for and May Ky FO M D mand and r cholarsbiga Ni Nondom d ils fe Dollars Solar rs . DTMk Food and Agrel Sch Your Mora Dollars f lars Dollar Sple cholar and S MDS P Non pechared ( mcigienst ama MF D plan Croy Collars Dollars Schar Mora Did The Flanders Family Scholardig Chuck and T D And Mandy ay dong Mara Mike M Delhi Adem D and m Y T M T Wagen Hudy P Mar and BJ M heca ve V J Clyd " Our and Jan Fad Band Jay Ka Jod Kaye C Linda Ky Tayo S Mock , 5 Vice Pred And PM MP 1pm Palac M L LUCK V Mand f S T www TGM M S S T M MOS Y M d 3 Ny V Ovan CV My Val W and Sh Schol p Dollars Sabla Dorst 1900 15 Schuberdi SMK Mora Moca Sollars fo Dollars t ch rs . ars LT 3 Mars f golars M Add Mille Memorial Scholan Rich M llars fo hears . Dollars for Sold Andy S Mladen d Dollars for chourss Cl Chy Ch als and Ha